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The Sacrament of Baptism is the first of our seven sacraments. It is through Baptism that the stain of original sin, and any other sin, is wiped away and we become new members of the Body of Christ and the Catholic Church.


We extend a special welcome to you if you are trying to find out more about Baptism for yourself, or for your child.


If you are an adult who is seeking more information on how to become a member of the Catholic Church, please refer to The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

If you have recently become a parent, or your child is a little older, we want to assist you in raising your child in the faith. Below are some of the frequently asked questions to help you understand the process of having your child baptized. If you have any further questions, please contact the parish office

Frequently asked questions


When is the Sacrament of Baptism held?

Baptisms are normally held once a month on a Sunday following the 11:30 am Mass. 


During this year the Baptisms are held on:

Sunday, January 29

Sunday, February 19

Saturday, April 8 (Easter Vigil)

Sunday, April 30

Sunday, May 28

Sunday, June 25

Sunday, July 30

Sunday, September 3

Sunday, September 24

Sunday, October 29

Sunday, November 26

Sunday, December 17

Are we required to attend classes?

Here at St. Francis of Assis Parish, we require that all parents meet with the pastor. At the meeting a choice of dates will be offered for the baptismal preparation class followed by a date for the Sacrament of Baptism. Once you have completed the class your baptism date will be set.  At this class, you will learn all about the sacrament, have your questions answered, and learn successful ways to incorporate the faith into your family life. This class lasts about an hour. Parents and godparents are required to attend.  Classes are held once a month in the evening on the Thursday the week prior to the Baptism.

What if I am a single parent?

If you are not married (single parent), this situation, by itself, is not a sufficient reason to delay the Baptism of your child.

What if we did not get married in the Catholic Church?

Your child's Baptism and your marriage are two separate issues. Your marital status may be discussed during your Baptism interview to encourage you to get married (or validate your marriage in the Church) if this is appropriate. However, as long as you are committed to raising your child as a Catholic, he/she may celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and be welcomed into the Catholic Church.

Who can be a Godparent?

Every person being baptized, whether a child or an adult, must have a sponsor. The sponsors in Baptism have traditionally been called godparents. The minimum requirement is one sponsor, but usually when infants are baptized, they have two, one of each gender. Canon law permits only one godparent of each gender – a godmother and a godfather.


To be a sponsor, you must:

  • Be at least 16 years or older;

  • Be fully initiated (received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation);

  • Be an active member of the Catholic Church and be registered at a Catholic parish;

  • Not be the parent of the one being baptized.

What is meant by the term 'Christian Witness'?

A Christian witness is a baptized Christian and a member of a non-Catholic ecclesial community (e.g., Anglican, United, Presbyterian, etc.). A member of the Eastern Orthodox Church may serve as a godparent if there is a Catholic godparent. A Christian witness is a witness to the Baptism, not a godparent. One Christian witness is allowed only if there is one godparent. ​

How much is the cost?

There is no cost to have your child baptized. However, donations made to the Church are always appreciated. It is acceptable to show your appreciation to the Church with an honorarium, which should always be according to your means.

Required documents for Baptismal Registration

Baptismal Registration Form

A copy of this completed document must be sent to the Parish office. See below.


Child’s Birth Certificate

We will require a copy of the birth certificate of the child to be baptized.


Proof of Parents' Baptism

At least one (1) parent needs to be a baptized Catholic to baptize their child into the faith. We require a copy of their certificate of Baptism (one or both parents).


Proof of Godparents' eligibility

In order to ensure the eligibility of the godparents, we require a copy of their recently updated certificate of Baptism (which should include the annotation regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation) or the certificate of Confirmation.


To begin the process of having your child baptized at St. Francis of Assis Parish, please send us a completed copy of the Baptismal Registration Form, along with the required documents via email to

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