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Parents' Corner

What is my role as a parent in Confirmation?

Your role is indispensable. As parents are the “primary educators in the Faith.” This role began at your child’s Baptism and continues throughout adolescence and young adult life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls the family the domestic Church because the family is where your child primarily learns how to live Jesus’ teachings, which lead to eternal life.

The two most important ways you can help form your child in the Faith are to pray and to practice your faith. Whatever your current practice is, God now calls you to a deeper relationship with him and the Church. It has been said that the Church is not a museum of saints but a hospital for sinners. Do not be afraid of leading your child closer to Christ. If necessary, renew your commitment to participate more fully in the life of the Church by attending Mass every Sunday, going to Confession regularly, engaging in service, and praying consistently for God’s grace in your life and the life of your family.

Helping your child in choosing a Confirmation Sponsor

During Confirmation preparation, your child will choose a sponsor. A Confirmation sponsor has three primary roles:

  • to assist the candidate in preparing for Confirmation,

  • to present the candidate for Confirmation,

  • along with the parents, to help the confirmed person live out Christian life faithfully.

Encourage your son or daughter to choose a sponsor who is a vibrant role model of living the Faith. (Older siblings, godparents, favorite aunts or uncles, or other family friends could be good sponsors if they understand and are able to fulfill all three roles listed above.)


To qualify as a sponsor one must: 

  • be a practicing Catholic (regularly attend Sunday Mass),

  • be at least 16 years of age,

  • have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, 

  • be leading a life in harmony with the faith,

  • not be a parent of the candidate.


Because of the deep connection between the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, the Church highly recommends that one of the candidate’s godparents be considered for a Confirmation sponsor.

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